Bambaw Bamboo Cotton Buds - Pack Of 400
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Product details
Bambaw Bamboo Cotton Buds - Pack Of 400
Cotton buds are convenient and ordinary, so it is easy to forget about their impact on the environment. But we love using them: It has been estimated that we used over 500 billion of these worldwide in 2017.
Sadly, most are made of plastic, which needs centuries to break down. In the meantime, animals mistake it for food, which eventually kills them.
A sustainable alternative to plastic is bamboo. Bamboo cotton buds are biodegradable while being as sturdy and durable as the plastic version. So, they are the perfect alternative.
How to use
Use the bamboo cotton bud as a conventional cotton bud. Afterwards, you can dispose of it in your personal or local compost. A detailed digital user manual is provided.
Hazards and Cautions
Do not insert in your nose or ear canal
Cotton And Bamboo