Revitive Medic Circulation Booster - Fights Aching Legs and Swollen Feet & Ankles - Drug-Free Relief from Foot & Leg Problems
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Product details
Revitive Medic Circulation Booster uses OxyWave Technology and patented waveforms to significantly increase oxygen-rich blood flow to the legs and feet. Complete Pain Management: With its unique Dual-Mode, Revitive Medic uses two proven technologies to maximise effectiveness.
Clinically proven to improve blood circulation. Tested in clinical trials by Imperial College London, Revitive Medic uses EMS technology (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) delivered by Foot Pads, to actively boost circulation, relieving aches and pains in legs and feet and reducing cramps and swelling. EMS is also delivered through Body Pads, which can be used to provide immediate, temporary relief of pain for your legs, and for other areas of your body.
Revitive Medic Circulation Booster also comes with TENS body pads, designed to relieve muscle and arthritis pain in other areas, including the back and shoulders.
Suitable for certain medical conditions, including Diabetes, Osteoarthritis, High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol.
Hazards and Cautions
REVITIVE is not suitable if you are: Fitted with a heart pacemaker or AICD Being treated for, or have symptoms of, an existing Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Pregnant
Important info
Country of Origin: Korea
Address: Unit 1 West Point Western Road, Bracknell RG12 1HJ