Boots extra lasting batteries 9V 2s
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Product details
Boots XLL batteries 9V 2s
9V batteries are ideally suited for use in smoke alarms and may also be used with other devices which take this size of battery.
How to use
Ensure batteries are correctly fitted observing the + and - signs on the battery and the equipment.
Remove batteries from equipment if the equipment is not going to be used for some time.
Hazards and Cautions
Storage / disposal instructions:
Keep away from small children. If swallowed consult a doctor immediately. In order to minimise hazards to health and the environment and to enable materials to be recycled, batteries should be disposed of at a battery collection facility.
The Wheelie Bin symbol is marked on the battery or its packaging to highlight requirement.
• Do not dispose of batteries in fire.
• Do not attempt to charge non- rechargeable batteries.
• Do not disassemble.
Important info
Country of Origin: China
Address: UK: Boots Company PLC Nottingham England NG90 1BS
ROI: Boots Ireland, Dublin D24 TW13