Let’s get to the root of the matter…

Double cleanse, tone, moisturise – we’ve got our skincare regimes down to a tee. But what about our scalp care? Not so much.

When we think of our hair, we typically think of our strands. But our scalps need love, too! Whether it’s normal, dry, oily or itchy, here’s everything you need to know about your scalp.

Why is scalp health such a hot topic right now?

Over the past year or two, we’ve seen a huge rise in Google searches for scalp care. But why?

Whether it’s a knock-on effect of national lockdowns (where lots of us turned our attention to wellness), or it’s a response to the skinification of haircare, it seems we’ve woken up to the importance of scalp health. 

Why does a healthy scalp = healthy hair?

Newsflash! Your skin doesn’t end at your forehead. Just like the skin on your face, your scalp is sensitive and reacts to a whole range of things – we’re talking stress, pollution, hormones, diet, weather – you name it.

We know that most scalps are prone to oiliness (that’s because our hair follicles produce a natural oil called sebum). But when oil builds up and mixes with daily sweat, grime and product (dry shampoo, we’re looking at you!), it becomes harder and harder for your hair to thrive and grow.

We spoke to Head & Shoulders, who told us: “The longer a hair follicle is disrupted, the less likely it is to produce a healthy hair. Maintaining a healthy scalp means that the surface from where hair grows is kept free from factors that can disrupt hair growth and diminish hair quality. Healthy hair follows a healthy scalp!”

We also spoke to Aveeno, who agreed: “Keeping your scalp clean, balanced, and hydrated is the best way to maintain scalp health and, in turn, achieve healthy hair.”

What does a good scalp routine look like?

It’s about time we moved beyond our basic shampoo and conditioner regime – wouldn’t you agree? Here are four of our top healthy scalp tips.

Be balanced

Your scalp, skin and hair all have a slightly acidic pH, which helps them stay nice and strong. But, if the pH of your hair products is too acidic or too alkaline, your scalp could start to feel itchy and dry, plus your hair’s structure could take a hit. Our advice? Always choose formulas that are pH balanced. We’re loving Aveeno’s Daily Moisture+ Oat Milk Blend Shampoo right now.


Regular cleaning will help keep your scalp in check, but how can you make your shampoo work even harder? Simple! By adding a gentle scalp massage. Once you’ve applied your shampoo, move your fingertips in small circular motions all across your scalp. A minute or two will do the trick.


If you use a lot of styling products (think hairspray, mousse and dry shampoo), chances are you’ve got a lot of build up. The simplest way to combat this is to use a scrub exfoliator. Failing that, you could grab a fine comb and gently brush around your roots – this should help dislodge the product before you hop in the shower.

Be supercharged

From hyaluronic acid and vitamin C, right the way through to caffeine and salicylic acid, we’re seeing ingredients that’re usually reserved for our face pop up in our haircare products. Keep your eyes peeled for formulas that’re infused with some of these hero ingredients.

Still have some scalp-related questions?

We thought you might. We spoke to Dr Alia, P&G's Consultant Dermatologist, who answered the queries on everyone’s lips.

Can I use dry shampoo in-between washes?

“Yes, dry shampoo is very popular and can reduce the time spent on washing and styling hair. Just be aware that the dry shampoo is adding to the debris on the scalp and should be washed off well.”

Can I sleep with wet hair?

“Hair is fragile when it’s wet, so it’s prone to breakage when twisting and turning during sleep. Sleeping on wet hair also creates a humid environment on your scalp and pillowcase that encourages overgrowth of microbes. It’s best to sleep on dry hair if you can.”

Is hard water where I live damaging my hair?

“If you live in an area with hard water, consider a shower filter. You could also look for ingredients to remove build-up and scale on the scalp, as well as nourishing the hair (which can become dry and brittle). Deep cleanses can be useful for hair affected by hard water.”

Our top picks​​​​​​​

Feeling inspired to amp up your scalp care regime? Here are the products we can’t get enough of…

Aveeno Daily Moisture+ Oat Milk Blend Shampoo

Packed with colloidal oats and botanical ingredients, Aveeno’s Daily Moisture+ Oat Milk Shampoo gently cleanses and helps moisturise dry, damaged hair. Created with both hair and scalp in mind, the pH-balanced formula helps relieve itchy, dry scalps and reduce flakes – all without stripping hair of its natural oils. So many wins!

Head & Shoulders Deep Cleanse Scalp Detox Anti Dandruff Shampoo

Infused with sea minerals, Head & Shoulders’ Anti Dandruff Shampoo targets the root cause of dandruff. Silicone-free and pH balanced, the hardworking formula helps fight oil and clarify scalp pores. Perfect!

Inkey Salicylic Acid Exfoliating Scalp Treatment

With salicylic acid to exfoliate, and fluidipure™ 8G to help soothe redness and irritation, The Inkey List’s Salicylic Acid Exfoliating Scalp Treatment is perfect for oily, itchy and flaky scalps. Not to mention the panthenol to help hydrate and moisturise strands!

Lee Stafford Scalp Love Surge of Moisture Leave-In Tonic

Nourishing, cooling and to kind-to-skin, Lee Stafford’s Leave-In Tonic is specially formulated for sensitive scalps. Blended with cactus, aloe vera and allantoin, this weightless spray gives instant and long-lasting relief to dry, irritated scalps. This is just the tonic… 

Umberto Giannini Scalp Scrub Exfoliating Anti-Dandruff Scrub

Show your scalp some love with Umberto Giannini’s Anti-Dandruff Scrub. Packed with fruit enzymes and walnut shell, this 97 percent natural formula helps remove dead skin cells, bacteria and excess oil. Use this beauty once a week before shampooing for best results. Dry, flaky scalp? Not here!

Lee Stafford Scalp Love Surge of Moisture Leave-In Tonic

Nourishing, cooling and to kind-to-skin, Lee Stafford’s Leave-In Tonic is specially formulated for sensitive scalps. Blended with cactus, aloe vera and allantoin, this weightless spray gives instant and long-lasting relief to dry, irritated scalps. This is just the tonic… 

Rhyme & Reason Nourish & Gloss Shampoo

Blended with coconut water to help enhance hydration, and hyaluronic acid to help soothe and nourish the scalp, Rhyme & Reason’s eco-friendly shampoo is perfect for all hair types. Packaged in a 100 percent recycled bottle and cap, this formula gently cleanses from root to tip. Bliss.

Phew – that was a lot to take in. Now you’re scrubbed up on all-things-scalp health, it’s time to go haul out!