Life with a newborn can be amazing, fascinating, tiring, overwhelming – a whole host of feelings & emotions. We’re here to help & support you during those first few weeks of parenting & beyond

Becoming a first-time parent can be so rewarding, but it can also bring about some challenges. Adjusting to new routines, coping with sleep loss and trying to find time for yourself and your relationship are all hurdles you might face as a new parent. But we’re here to help you navigate these first few weeks and months so you can make the most of life with your brand-new bundle of joy.

The most important thing to remember though, is that as a new parent you’ll have lots of people offering advice, opinions and tips. Every baby and parenting journey is different, so while lots of the advice may be useful to you, it’s okay to only do what feels right for you and your family.

Getting enough sleep

With baby feeding on demand and sleeping in short bursts, one of the biggest changes about becoming a first-time parent is the lack of sleep in the early days.

Sleep is super important to your health and wellbeing. For the first three months your baby won’t recognise the difference between day and night, so they’ll be sleeping and waking a lot. That’s why it’s important to prioritise your rest in these early weeks.

Here are some tips for getting as much sleep as possible:

• Try to sleep when the baby sleeps. As tempting as it is to rattle through your to do list while your little one is snoozing, it’s also okay (and encouraged!) to take a nap yourself, or at least sit down with a hot cuppa and take some time to relax

• Take it in turns with your partner to give each other a lie in, even if it’s just once or twice a week

• If a friend or family member pops round, ask them to look after the baby while you get your head down for half an hour – chances are they’ll love the excuse to give your baby a cuddle while you catch up on some shut-eye

If you find it difficult to drift off, check out our top sleep tips to help you slip into a slumber.

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself

The main focus right now should be you and your baby. That includes looking after yourself and your little family, bonding with your baby and making sure you’re both happy, healthy and making the most of these early days. If that means putting things like housework on the back burner, that’s okay.

You’re likely to have a lot of visitors once you bring baby home for the first time. It might be a good idea to set some boundaries and ground rules for when people come round to visit you and the new baby.

For example, most people won’t mind if you ask them to make or bring their own drinks and snacks when they visit – you could even ask them to make or bring you one too!

Accept offers of help when people come over, whether that’s keeping an eye on your little one while you take a quick shower, running the hoover round for you or picking up a pint of milk or a pack of nappies on their way over. These small things can make a big difference in the early days.

Loving your new body

Your body has just done an amazing thing by carrying a baby and giving birth, so remember to be kind to it. You’ll need time to heal, so don’t put too much pressure on yourself to spring back into your pre-baby activities. Even if you feel able to do certain things, remember to go easy and not push yourself too hard.

Your body may look and feel a little different after pregnancy and birth, and that’s normal too. Try to accept the changes and show your body some love for all it’s been through.

A little bit of self-care when you get a few minutes can go a long way – whether that be a ten-minute meditation session, applying a pampering body cream before bed or having a relaxing bath.

While it’s normal for things to look and feel a little different after you’ve given birth, you know your body best. Always speak to your midwife or GP if you have any concerns.

Finding a new normal

Having a new baby will change lots of things, and it may take a while to adjust to life with a little one in tow. Don’t feel like you have to have it all figured out straight away – take it hour by hour, day by day, in these first few days and weeks while you find your feet.

It may be tempting to look at other new parents on social media and feel like they’ve got it all together – remember that what you see on social media is just a snapshot of someone’s day. They’ll be facing their own challenges too, so don’t be disheartened.

Try to follow accounts or listen to podcasts that give an honest insight into the reality of parenting – the good, the bad, the unexpected and the funny moments that inevitably fill each day.

As well as making you feel like part of a community, they can reassure you that no parent really knows what they’re doing all of the time. Plus, they may also provide some much-needed company and entertainment during the night feeds!

Managing daily tasks

With endless feeds, nappy changes and just generally staring in awe at your newborn (who can blame you!) it can be hard to make time for daily tasks around the house, and even things like taking a shower.

That’s totally normal, but if you do feel like you need a helping hand keeping on top of things, we’ve got some tips for new parents:

• Try to establish a daily routine – you can’t plan out the whole day as you’ll spend a lot of time responding to your baby’s needs, but ticking one or two things off each morning or evening will feel great

• Prioritise what needs to be done, and what can wait (or what you can delegate to a loved one – ironing pile, we're looking at you!)

• Ask for help when you need it (we weren’t joking about that ironing pile!)

• Set aside 10 to 20 minutes at the end of the day to pick up any toys and other bits and bobs, so you’re all set for the next day

• Break tasks into smaller chunks to help make the housework feel less overwhelming – try hoovering one room or area at a time instead of doing the whole house in one go

• Divide and conquer – split chores out between you and your partner/friend/family

All this being said, you should never feel like you’ve failed if you have days (or weeks) where you manage to get absolutely nothing done. These are part and parcel of having a new baby. Spending time bonding with your little one and enjoying them while they’re small is the most important thing – everything else can wait.

Adjusting to life as a new mum

Alongside an overwhelming amount of love for your brand new little one, as a new mum it’s also common to feel overwhelmed at times.  

Being a new parent is a wonderful thing, but it’s important to have things for yourself too. Try to make time to do things you enjoy, even if it’s just for a few minutes a day or an hour a week at first. Catch up with friends, spend time on a hobby or simply sit and relax. And when things feel a bit too overwhelming, don’t be afraid to ask for help while you step away for a while – you can’t pour from an empty cup after all.

Some new mums can find it isolating being at home with their baby all day. You could look for a local baby group to join, or even just pop your little one in the car and grab a drive through coffee to enjoy while you sit and catch up with a friend on the phone.

If you find yourself feeling low or anxious for a prolonged period of time, or you or your loved ones notice you may be experiencing symptoms of post-natal deperession, it’s important to seek help. Many new mums with post-natal depression don’t realise they have it, but your midwife or GP will be able to diagnose it and offer you the right help and support.

Adjusting to life as a new dad

While mums start bonding with their baby throughout their pregnancy, for dads this bonding process might not start properly until the baby is born.

There are lots of ways you can enjoy bonding with your new baby. If your little one is having any of their milk from a bottle, sharing the feeds can be a nice way of spending one on one time with them, as well as giving your partner a well-earned break. If your baby is breastfeeding, why not give them their post-feed cuddle and burp?

Bath time is another nice way to bond with your baby while your partner has some time to themselves. Or you could dedicate time each day to play, read and sing to your little one – you might not get much back from them at first but it’s never too early to start!

As a new dad, it’s important that you look after yourself too. Find time to enjoy hobbies or see friends alongside spending time with your new little family.  

You may have heard of postnatal depression in new mums, and it’s important that you look out for signs of this in your partner. While it’s common for new mothers to experience ‘the baby blues’, if you notice they’re feeling low for a prolonged period you should encourage them to speak to their midwife or GP.

Did you know some dads (one in 10, in fact) may also experience postnatal depression? Familiarise yourself with the symptoms, and if you think you may have postnatal depression, speak to your GP about how you’re feeling. 

Looking after your relationship as new parents

Bringing home your little bundle of joy will add lots of positives to your relationship, but going from just the two of you to a little family can be a big change.

Lack of quality time together, tiredness and navigating your way through this new family life can have an effect on your relationship, so it’s important to make time for each other as well.

You’ll both feel the benefit of taking even ten minutes to catch up on each other’s day and how you’re both feeling. You could try to schedule this for a certain time each day, or just grab it when you can – whatever works best for you.

While you may be in a new baby bubble for the first week or so, why not try and find an hour or two a week after this time, to dedicate to you and your partner? Could a trusted friend or family member look after your little one while the two of you grab some alone time?

If you’re struggling to make time, why not try going for a walk or drive together while baby naps in their pushchair or car seat? Or make a plan to meet on the sofa for an episode of your favourite box set while your little bundle has a post-feed sleep.

New parent survival kit

From self-care to getting some shut eye and bagging the very best in baby essentials, check out our checklist of must-haves for new parents.

For taking care of 'down there'

Try: My Expert Midwife Soak for Bits Perineal Recovery Soak

• Size: 750g

Give your post-birth recovery a helping hand with these bath salts. Developed by midwives, the gentle formula will help soothe any bruising, swelling and soreness of the perineum and help relax and comfort tired, aching muscles. Simply sprinkle a couple of handfuls into a warm bath, lie back and relax.

For keeping skin soft & soothed

Try: Mama Mio Tummy Rub Butter Stretch Mark Cream

• Size: 120ml

Stretch mark cream may be designed with growing bumps in mind, but you can still show your tummy some love after you’ve given birth. Gently massage this soothing cream into your skin when you get time to practice a little bit of self-care – whether that be after a soak, first thing in the morning or just when you get two minutes to yourself!

For showing your breasts some love

Try: My Little Coco Baby Mama Soothing Boobie Mask

• Size: 45ml

Whether you’re breastfeeding or just need to show your boobs a little self-care, these super-comforting masks have been formulated with rosehip and coconut oil to help soothe and nourish. Smooth the mask over your breast area (there’s the option to leave the nipple area uncovered if you’d prefer), sit back let the mask do the work. Just make sure you wipe off any excess serum before baby’s next feed if you’re breastfeeding!

For soothing sore nipples

Try: Lansinoh HPA Lanolin Nipple Cream

• Size: 40ml

Soothe sore, cracked nipples with this 100% lanolin formula. Approved by the British Skin Foundation, it’s safe to use in between feeds and there’s no need to wipe it off before baby’s next feed. Some mums even use it as a multipurpose balm for things like stretch marks, dry skin and nappy rash, making it a baby bag essential.

For protecting against leaks

Try: Boots Maternity Bed Mats

• Size: Pack of 5 mats

From post-birth blood loss to little leaks (we’ve all been there) and breast milk spillages, pop one of these bed mats onto your mattress or on top of your sheets to help protect against whatever those first few weeks throw at you. They’re super absorbent, and you can dispose of them in your normal household waste.

For peace of mind

Try: Babymoov Yoo Master Plus 360° Video Monitor

• 5" (12.7cm) large parent screen

Keep a close eye on baby even when they’re snoozing in another room with this baby monitor. The contemporary design will look great with any décor, but that’s not the best bit. With a large colour screen, night vision, temperature indicator, lullaby options and a walkie talkie feature, it offers ultimate peace of mind. Plus, the 360° rotation will allow you to check in on your little one as they get older and move around more.

For getting out & about

Try: Maxi-Cosi Zelia3 Luxe Stroller in Twillic Truffle

• 2-in-1 pushchair

• Suitable from birth to approximately 4 years

Beat the streets in style with this smart and sophisticated stroller. With a clever carrycot that transforms into a comfy seat to adapt to your baby as they grow, you won’t need to spend on separate accessories.  The reversible seat allows baby to be parent or world facing and the stroller frame’s compatible with most Maxi-Cosi car seats so you can transform it into a travel system and make life even easier.

For snuggling up

Try: Feather & Down Sweet Dreams Pillow Spray

• Size: 100ml

Sleep might be sparse right now but this pillow spray will help you make the most of it. Infused with lavender, chamomile and essential oils, it’ll help you relax and head off to the land of nod. Simply spritz it on your pillow and get ready to drift off.