skincare savings

skincare savings

Facet: Promotion
Entering into loop
Id1: 11352:Save up to 1/2 price on selected skincare
Entering into loop
Id1: 11353:Save up to 1/2 price on selected skincare
Entering into loop
Id1: 11352:1/2 price on selected Simple
Entering into loop
Id1: 11353:1/2 price on selected Simple
Entering into loop
Id1: 11352:Save 1/3 on selected Simple
Entering into loop
Id1: 11353:Save 1/3 on selected Simple
Id3: 11352:Save up to 1/2 price on selected skincare
Id Test: true
Id Test DO: false
Id Test PA: true
Id3: 11353:Save up to 1/2 price on selected skincare
Id3: 11352:1/2 price on selected Simple
Id Test: true
Id Test DO: false
Id Test PA: true
Id3: 11353:1/2 price on selected Simple
Id3: 11352:Save 1/3 on selected Simple
Id Test: true
Id Test DO: false
Id Test PA: true
Id3: 11353:Save 1/3 on selected Simple